Therapies & Rehabilitation

Therapies & Rehabilitation

Our Therapists are here to help improve your quality of life and independence.

As part of the wider Florence Nightingale Hospice team, our Therapist Team can support you from diagnosis right up to the end of life.

An important part of living with a life-limiting condition is staying as comfortable, independent and active as possible. We understand that patients can often become debilitated and deconditioned, not only due to their illness or symptoms; but also the side effects of treatment that they are receiving. This can not just have an effect on your physical condition but also your psychological wellbeing.

Our Therapies team will work with you, and your family and carers, to provide tailored advice, equipment and education to help you maximise your quality of life, and can teach you techniques to deal with symptoms such as breathlessness and fatigue.  

Hospice Therapists (1)

Occupational Therapy

Hospice Therapists (2)

Occupational therapy enables you to participate as fully as possible in daily life.

Life-limiting illnesses can disrupt your ability to carry out your usual activities.  This may be due to symptoms such as pain, fatigue, poor sleep, anxiety, and immobility.   Adapting the task or method of carrying out activities can increase your independence and sense of wellbeing.

Our Occupational Therapists can offer equipment and tailored advice to help continue with the tasks and activities which are important to you, and maintain independence in your own home.

They can also help advise on planning for patients to help them return home from the hospice or hospital as well as arrange for the appropriate equipment and support to be in place, ensuring they are comfortable and cared for safely.


Physiotherapy aims to improve and maintain your individual quality of life throughout your whole disease journey. It can help with symptom management – eg: pain, shortness of breath, fatigue; and by maximising your mobility and wellbeing, enables you to live as independently and fully as possible.

Our Physiotherapists use physical approaches and provide active support; to empower people to adapt and cope to changes with dignity. Wellbeing support may include treatment of pain, breathlessness/breathing problems, chest clearance advice, provision of equipment eg walking aids, gentle movement or exercise advice.

The team can see you in a variety of settings, including your own home and at the Hospice. They can also support your carers by offering practical advice and emotional support.

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We also have a team of trained complementary therapy volunteers who offer massage, reiki and reflexology to patients in the In-Patient Unit and Day Hospice. There is also a special relaxation room which is available for all patients to use.

How can I access Therapies & Rehabilitation at the Hospice?

Most of our patients are referred to us by their GP, District Nurse, Community Palliative Care Nurse, hospital consultant or other healthcare professional. 

If you feel you would benefit from being assessed by a member of the therapy team please talk to your healthcare provider. 

If you are a healthcare professional and feel your patient may benefit from any of Florence Nightingale Hospice’s services please visit our Referral page for more information.

There is no cost for patients to access our Therapy services. The service is delivered through a partnership between Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust and Florence Nightingale Hospice Charity.

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Learn More...

Care at Home
Care for patients and families in your home.
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Hospice Services
Learn about all the services available at Florence Nightingale Hospice.
Day Hospice & Clinics
Outpatient day services at Florence Nightingale Hospice.
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Florence Nightingale Hospice Charity is dedicated to delivering specialist, dedicated and individual care for patients with life-limiting illnesses, and their families, across Buckinghamshire and its borders.

Please help us be there for more patients and their families by making a donation today.

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