Support Us At School

Find out how your students can get involved in supporting their local community.

Working with schools & colleges to make a difference

Did you know if every child in Buckinghamshire raised just £20, we could fund all our hospice services for a whole year!

We are so lucky to receive such fantastic support from our local communities, and schools and colleges play a huge part of this.   

We have some great ways children, teenagers, young adults, and teachers can get involved, develop new skills and have lots of fun, all whilst playing a valuable role in their local area.

Students and Florrie Bear at School Santa Dash

Fundraise in School

Fundraise in schools

15 schools took part in our Schools Santa Dash in 2023, raising over £11,000!

There are lots of great ways for your students to get involved with fundraising for a local cause – many may know of a relative, or even a staff member, who has received care from our hospice team. 

From bake sales and mufti days to whole school challenges and discos, we’ll be there to support you every step of the way.  We can provide you with collection pots and buckets, help set up JustGiving pages and even arrange a school visit from the ever-popular Florrie Bear.

Assemblies & Classroom Resources

We can provide speakers for whole-school assemblies, or to come into individual year or form groups.  There are lots of topics we can cover to fit with your curriculum, including talks on how to fundraise, volunteering, working in the charity sector and all about Florence Nightingale Hospice Charity.

We have also developed a range of resources, from lesson plans to interactive talks to support learning around Sustainable Fashion.

Sustainable Fashion

Volunteering Opportunities

Georgia Youth Volunteer

We offer a whole range of volunteering opportunities for students over the age of 14, for those looking for Duke of Edinburgh volunteering or community service placements or those looking to gain vital work experience skills as part of their course.

Our dedicated Volunteer Engagement Manager will work with you to ensure your students are fully supported during their time with us.

Learn more...

Fundraise for us
Sustainable Fashion in Schools
Youth Volunteering

You can make a difference

Our vision is for local patients with life-limiting illnesses, and their families, to be able to access the best possible care and support, whenever and wherever they need it.

This will only be possible with the generosity and commitment of our supporters.  Every day your donations help us to develop and deliver the services which make such a difference in our patients’ lives.   

Please support us in whatever way you can to help keep our dedicated and specialist care available for those who need it.

Hospice Phone Line

We are experiencing problems with our mainline 01296 332600. If you are cut off or directed straight to voicemail, please call: 07870 559619

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