Hospice Care

Welcome to Florence Nightingale Hospice

Our team of specialist palliative care professionals are here to support you.

We commit to treating you with dignity and compassion, respecting your individual needs and wishes and helping you make the most of every day with your loved ones.

We offer support and care for your physical and mental wellbeing through clinical support, therapies and spiritual care here at Florence Nightingale Hospice in Aylesbury and in your home.

To access our care you will need a referral from your GP or other healthcare professionals, but please read on to find out more about our services and support.

Liz Monaghan
Matron, Florence Nightingale Hospice

Liz Monaghan Matron (8)
Newly Diagnosed?
How we are here to support you.
Day Services & Clinics
Outpatient day services at Florence Nightingale Hospice.
Care at Home
Care for patients and families in your home.
Inpatient Care
Access care in the calm & welcoming environment of our Hospice.
Lymphoedema Clinic
Treatments and advice to ease discomfort and improve quality of life
Therapies & Rehab
Our Therapists are here to help improve your quality of life and independence.
Florrie's Children's Team
Respite care for children with life-limiting illnesses, in their own home.
Diagnosis & Bereavement Support
Our specially trained Bereavement Listeners are here for you.
Information &
Access to more information and downloads to support you.
Take a Tour of the Hospice
Find out what the Hospice looks like with our tour 'Through the Doors'.

Florence Nightingale Hospice Charity is dedicated to delivering specialist, dedicated and individual care for patients with life-limiting illnesses, and their families, across Buckinghamshire and its borders.

Please help us be there for more patients and their families by making a donation today.

Hospice Phone Line

We are experiencing problems with our mainline 01296 332600. If you are cut off or directed straight to voicemail, please call: 07870 559619

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