Lymphoedema Clinic
Our Lymphoedema Clinic offers treatments and advice to ease discomfort and improve quality of life, allowing you to maintain your independence.
Lymphoedema is a chronic swelling usually of a limb, but it can affect any part of the body.
If the lymphatic system is abnormally formed (Primary Lymphoedema) or gets damaged (Secondary Lymphoedema), lymph fluid accumulates in and below the skin layers resulting in swelling. Damage to the lymphatic system is usually the result of trauma, surgery or treatments such as radiotherapy.
Lymphoedema can also develop from a pre-existing condition such as chronic venous disease and is made or exacerbated by obesity.
There is no cure for lymphoedema. But a lymphoedema diagnosis doesn’t mean putting your life on hold – with the correct treatment you can continue doing the things that you love.
How the Lymphoedema Clinic Can Help You
Based at Florence Nightingale Hospice in Aylesbury, our Lymphoedema Clinic offers treatments including skin care, exercises, compression therapy (compression garments, bandaging or wrap systems), kinesio taping, and where appropriate, Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD) therapy.
The Clinic is run as an Outpatient Clinic on an appointment basis by a highly trained Lymphoedema Clinical Nurse Specialist and an MLD therapist.
Clinics take place on Monday, Tuesday, Friday, 9.00am-1.00pm and on Wednesday and Thursday 9.00am-4.00pm (MLD Clinic).
Our specialist Lymphoedema nurses will discuss an individual treatment plan with you to understand and effectively manage your symptoms. You may need one treatment or a combination of all of them, either all at once or at different times.
Lymphoedema also requires daily self-management and our nurses can teach you, and your loved ones, the techniques and information you need to help you self-manage your lymphoedema
How Can I Be Referred to the Lymphoedema Clinic?
Most of our patients are referred to us by their Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS GP, Community Nurse, Practice Nurse, breast cancer nurse, hospital consultant or other Allied Healthcare Professional (OT, physio, podiatrist). If you feel you would benefit from our Lymphoedema Clinic, please talk to your healthcare provider.
If you are a professional or care worker and feel your patient may benefit from the Lymphoedema Clinic please visit our Referral page for more information.
There is no cost for patients to access the Lymphoedema Clinic and non-prescription compression garments are provided free of charge to patients. The service is commissioned and fully funded by Florence Nightingale Hospice Charity.
Florence Nightingale Hospice Charity is here for patients with life-limiting illnesses, and their families, across Buckinghamshire and its borders.
Please help us be there for more patients by making a donation today.