Spiritual Care

Hospice Spiritual, Pastoral & Religious Care

Providing spiritual, pastoral and religious care for you and your loved ones is an important part of our role in looking after you, whether a religious belief is held or not.

We want to ensure that we offer you and your family the support you need to help you make sense of what is happening to you.

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What it encompasses

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Spirituality encompasses the beliefs and values that make you the individual person you are, and which gives your life meaning and significance. This is the essence of who you are. Spiritual, pastoral and religious care are offered in the following ways, we will:

  • Listen to and respect what is important to you and offer compassionate support.
  • Help you to discover what gives meaning to you as a person.
  • Discuss the concerns and issues that are important to you.
  • Where possible, ensure that you can continue any religious practices and activities that are important to you.
  • Offer communion and prayer if that is important to you.
  • Help with discussing and arranging funerals and services if that is needed.
  • Offer 24/7 emergency call out service if needed.

How is it arranged?

We can arrange for you to see the Hospice chaplain who can support you in a number of ways. We can also contact your own faith leader or religious representative should you need their support.

It is important to us that we know about your individual values and beliefs so that we may, wherever possible, respect your wishes in the day-to-day care that we offer you.

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Answers to all your questions about the Hospice and hospice care.
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Details of how to contact and find the Hospice.

Florence Nightingale Hospice Charity is dedicated to delivering specialist, dedicated and individual care for patients with life-limiting illnesses, and their families, across Buckinghamshire and its borders.

Please help us be there for more patients and their families by making a donation today.

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