Thank you for signing up to Nativity! The Musical!

Please find our downloadable audition pack below, containing the audition dialogue, song lyrics and other audition materials.

Thank you for signing up to audition for Nativity! The Music, in aid of Florence Nightingale Hospice Charity.  We shall be in touch shortly via email to confirm your audition time.

Important: please download the audition pack below which contains all required audition materials and information.

Frequently asked questions

Yes. There will be a fee of £170 for the project. This helps to cover the cost of rehearsal venues, costumes and theatre hire. If you currently receive Pupil Premium, please let us know by emailing

During the audition there will be a brief introduction to the team, an outline chat on the audition process and we will explain our expectations of the participants.

All attendees will learn a song and be given the opportunity to perform a solo song and dialogue. Those wishing to audition for a principal role must be prepared to sing and act in front of others.

Audition dialogues and songs are contained in the audition pack here

 Your child will need to perform the dialogue for their preferred role; this does not need to be learnt by heart, but they should be familiar with the piece and have researched the character.

Please bring a photo of your child, light refreshments and any required medication.

No. We welcome children who have no experience, who are enthusiastic, committed and have a love of theatre.

Something that is light, comfortable and easy to move in

We are hoping to cast 100 children. It is inevitable that some children will be disappointed if they are not selected. Please make sure that your child understands that this is not a reflection of their talent or ability. We would love to take everyone, but we do not have that capacity. We will cover this at the auditions.

All attendees will learn a song and be given the opportunity to perform a solo song and dialogue. Those wishing to audition for a principal role must be prepared to sing and act in front of others.

Audition dialogues and songs are contained in the audition pack. Your child will need to perform the dialogue for their preferred role; this does not need to be learnt by heart, but they should be familiar with the piece and have researched the character.

Please bring a photo of your child, light refreshments and any required medication.

You will be advised during the week commencing 14th May by email.

Rehearsals will start on Monday 23rd October until Thursday 26th October 2023. All children will have a couple of days off, in line with child performance regulations. We expect your child to attend every rehearsal they are called for.

All children will need to be available for the technical and dress rehearsals at the theatre on Friday 27th October

You will be advised of timings if your child is offered a place

Most costume elements will be provided. You will be asked to provide some basic elements such as shoes, specific underwear or plain t shirts, depending on your child’s role.

Everyone involved in the production will be DBS checked.

Each group of children will be chaperoned at all auditions, rehearsals and performances. Many of our volunteers are licensed chaperones.

There will be qualified first aiders on site throughout the rehearsals and performances.

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