The rising need for hospice care in Buckinghamshire


Florence Nightingale Hospice Charity highlights the rising need for hospice care in Buckinghamshire

The number of annual deaths in the UK is expected to rise by 130,000 by 2040. We have joined a coalition of hospices looking to cope with this increased demand. The national initiative, “This is Hospice Care”, brings together over 140 hospices in England Scotland and Wales to highlight the critical importance of supporting hospices to meet future demands. It launches on 17th February and includes a national TV advertising campaign.

“By 2040, the number of annual deaths in the UK is expected to rise by 130,000. Buckinghamshire has an increasingly ageing population and, in the years to come, many of these people could benefit from the compassionate care that Florence Nightingale Hospice provides. We need to plan now to offer people hospice care within their homes or the Inpatient Unit at the Hospice.” – Jo Turner, CEO of Florence Nightingale Hospice Charity.

In Buckinghamshire, the increase in demand will place unprecedented pressure on our Hospice, which already relies on support and funding from supporters to provide many of its services.

“We’re urging people to consider leaving a gift in their will to ensure we can continue to support our community in the years to come.” – Jo Turner, CEO of Florence Nightingale Hospice Charity.

At Florence Nightingale Hospice Charity, gifts in wills are already playing a pivotal role in ensuring we can continue to provide hospice care for our residents. Last year alone, these gifts accounted for 25% of our fundraising income, providing care to 1,200 patients and their families. However, as future needs grow, so too must the support we receive.

To learn more about how you can support us through a legacy gift, click here or contact 01296 429975.

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