Judith was diagnosed with rare ampullary cancer in 2019 and was originally treated at the John Radcliffe Hospital in Oxford. In 2022 after a pain flare following radiotherapy, as the cancer had by then spread to her brain, she was admitted to Stoke Mandeville Hospital, and subsequently discharged home to Haddenham with a care package.
She had always expressed a strong desire to be stay and be cared for at home in familiar surroundings.
However, as Judith approached the final weeks of her life, her husband, Angus began to find it more and more difficult to provide the care she needed.
“I was starting to doubt myself and wondered if I going to be able to meet my promise, or if she would get better care in the Hospice or hospital. It was a decision which I really didn’t want to make.”
It was at this point that the FNH@Home team stepped in to support Angus and Judith.
“They appeared, as if by magic, providing a level of care and support that I did not know existed,” says Angus.
The team were able to care for Judith and fulfil her wish to spend her final days at home with her family, arranging for a hospital bed, air mattress and slide sheets to be supplied to make her comfortable. They also were there to support Angus and their son Alexander through those difficult final weeks and at Judith’s passing.
“Their care and compassion was outstanding. The two ladies who came to wash and lay out her body did so while all the time talking to Judith in the most kind and respectful way, asking me what clothes to dress her in, not wanting her to be taken away in her nightie. Both my son and I will always remember those moments.”
“The FNH@Home service is a truly wonderful concept and support for its continued existence is vital. I have told all who will listen about the wonderful care provided by your nursing staff and will continue to do so.”