Often, when someone is receiving palliative care, they start to think about how they can show their family that they are loved and important to them. Sometimes, those words can be difficult to say face to face or it may not feel quite the right time.
Hospice Chaplain, Pete Griffith, along with funding support from Florence Nightingale Hospice Charity started to record Living Memory videos at the hospice. Pete takes the time to talk to a patient, to share their hopes and fears, remember special moments in their life and share heart-felt words and poems for their family via the medium of a video.
Pete takes the time to prepare and speak to the patient about the message they would like to share in advance of recording the video, it takes place informally, in a private space within the hospice to allow the patient to include anything they want to say.
The video is stored on a USB stick and gifted to the patient’s family after they have passed away, giving them an everlasting memory of their loved one.
Pete told us: : “The idea for the films came from personal experience of appreciating having films of family that had died too soon. Having words and pictures together means everything. Being able to use my skills as a photographer and chaplain means that I can perhaps offer something a little more to the families. The films of the patient are a lasting legacy of who that person is and was, that the families can access at any point in the future, to hear their voice and see their face once more. The person is back in the room with them, for just a few moments.”
One of our patients recently left a video for her son and grandchildren, he told us “Initially I felt a little sceptical of Mam having a video done, I felt like there was already a lot going on and another thing to think about alongside her treatments and appointments.
I couldn’t have been more wrong, my Mam told me that she really appreciated having the chance to talk, knowing she was leaving a message behind for her children and grandchildren. She also liked talking to Pete, who was genuinely interested in hearing about her life.
I watched the video with Mam whilst she was still being cared for in the hospice, I haven’t been able to watch is since she passed away, although I take comfort knowing it’s there when I need it.
Now I look back, I wish I had more footage of both my parents and anything I do have feels like a gift, the video falls into this category, knowing I can listen and hear my Mam speaking directly to me gives me such comfort even in the most difficult times.”
Pete is happy to assist any patients who would like to make a Living Memory video at the hospice for their loved ones, all they need to do is speak to him directly to schedule in some time and discuss the questions they would like to be asked.